5 Unique Ways to Exercise Outdoors This Spring

5 Unique Ways to Exercise Outdoors This Spring

The warm weather is upon us, so it’s time to break out of the indoor exercise routine and hit the outdoors. But now that you’re finally free to comfortably get in an outside workout, what new methods should you try out?

Whether you need new ideas to fit a busy spring schedule or want to try out a new regimen, here are a few unique ways to get your regular exercise this season.

Full-Body Boarding

We’re nowhere near an ocean – but there’s still no shortage of weekends at “the lake” throughout the spring and summer. So the next time you hit the water with family for some boating, tubing or paddleboating try out something new that works out your entire body. Though it looks leisurely, stand-up paddleboarding can be a strenuous and satisfying workout. It works out your core muscles, as well as forces you to emphasize balance in your routine. Give it a shot next time you’re headed for a calm body of water.

Baseball “Breaks”

Whether you’re a parent of a little leaguer or simply a big softball or baseball fan, you might find yourself hitting up some bleachers in the coming months. But instead of letting the likely uncomfortable seating arrangements give you sore “sits bones,” take a break between innings to get some bleacher pushups in. You could even make it a routine or competition amongst your fellow team parents of who can get the most in before the next at-bat. These incline pushups can offer a different level of resistance than flat floors do and work your shoulder and upper arm muscles in new ways.

Fitness Scavenger Hunt

Work out your brain while you’re working out your body. Give yourself a scavenger hunt to accomplish that will get you moving out in nature. Step one is writing out your route, which might be a path you’d typically take for a jog or walk. Step two is writing down various, spaced-out landmarks along the route and assigning them each a “task.” Challenge yourself to perform different fitness activities at each spot, such as situps, crunches or jumping jacks, and increase your reps on each lap through your hunt. It keeps things interesting and works out multiple muscle groups.

Parachute Sprints

If you don’t mind drawing a little bit of attention to yourself (perhaps consider bringing a buddy for solidarity), you can get a fantastic workout by making use of a fitness parachute. Much like the parachute you likely pictured in your mind, these are built to offer you a healthy amount of resistance when running sprints in a wide-open space. And, luckily, since you’re here in South Dakota, the added wind will offer up a fun challenge for parachute sprinting.

Park Playdate

For those busy parents out there who have to couple their outdoor free time with their children’s outdoor free time, one unique way to take advantage of the situation is getting in your own routine when you take your children to the park to play with their friends. There’s nothing saying you can’t get in a few pullups on the monkey bars while you keep tabs on the kids. Turn the jungle gym into a strength workout, and check two things off your list.

A Parent's Guide to Spring Family Outdoors Time

A Parent’s Guide to Spring Family Outdoors Time

The warmth has finally arrived. So while the weather is still moderate before summer sets in, it’s time to take advantage of some family time outside. There are plenty of activities you can engage in with these last few weeks of spring, but how about trying something new?

Here are a few ideas for some spring family outdoor time.


While your littlest family members might not quite be up for a round of golf on a full-on course, a miniature golf course might be just the ticket to not only gear them up for a future on the links, but also to get the whole family outside for an hour or two. Not only does it give them the opportunity to hone some skills with aim and precision, but it keeps your blood flowing from the walking (and the adrenaline rush of anticipation for that big round-winning putt).

Gamifying Chores

With spring comes plenty of opportunities for cleaning and other chores. But how do you get your youngest family members excited about getting these tasks accomplished? It’s all about gamification. Need the car to get washed? Make it a contest between two of your children to see who can get their half of the car cleanest. Need to get your garden planted? Have your kids make their own markers for the garden and then set a regular time each week to check on and track the progress of their plants. It’s all about finding fun ways to teach your children good habits they can take into adulthood.


Why not take advantage of our very windy state? Flying a kite is a great way to engage your whole family in a deceptively active pastime. Find a field or park where you can avoid trees and power lines and give it a go. You can even make it a bit competitive, if you like. It’s estimated that you burn about 100 calories from kite-flying for approximately 22 minutes, so even the parents can get a little bit of a workout out of the deal.

Farmer’s Markets

Getting some outdoors time in doesn’t just have to be about exercise. In fact, there are other ways you can instill some positive habits in your kids during the springtime. It’s a prime time, in fact, to bring the family to a farmer’s market or two. Use the opportunity to take in some fresh air and teach your children how to pick out fruits and vegetables and get them excited about eating healthily. If they get to pick out their own, they’re more apt to giving them a try when you serve them later.

Prize Package: Golf Medicine Experience

Prize Package: Golf Medicine Experience ($350 Value)

The giveaway has closed. If you have already entered, a winner will be announced the week of August 1, 2017.

You love golf. Or maybe you are intrigued by golf. But did you know that there are methods, tools and techniques that can make it even more valuable for your health and wellness than you expected? Orthopedic Institute (OI) is here to guide you through the world of golf medicine.

And we’re doing it by offering up a $350 prize package to get you started on your new health journey.

Prize Details

Enter to win one of OI’s Gold Golf Medicine Packages, which include:

  • A pre- and post-program Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) screening
  • Technique education
  • Home exercise program
  • Swing analysis
  • Three follow-up sessions
  • Individual, one-on-one instruction
  • Manual golf therapy

What’s TPI? It’s the world’s leading educational organization dedicated to the study of how the human body functions in relation to the golf swing. Learn more here.

Case in Point

According to our own in-house golf medicine aficionado Adam Halseth, DPT, TPI M-2, this program has proven successful for golfers of all skill levels.

“I was treating a junior golfer with mid-back pain who was able to finish his season without pain and ended up qualifying for the U.S. Junior Amateur. I also have had a client with a lot of knee pain who wanted to wait for a knee replacement until after golf season. I worked with him on strategies to protect his knee when golfing, and he was able to play two times per week during the summer before getting his knee replacement the following fall!”

An Answer for All Ages

It’s the perfect way for golf enthusiasts and aspiring golf enthusiasts alike to dive into golf medicine. Plus programs can be designed for golfers of all skill levels and ages.

“Our programs are designed specifically for each patient and can be developed for junior golfers to seniors and professionals to high handicappers. We will determine your body limitations and how they are affecting your swing. The main goal is to keep your body healthy and strong as you golf.”


When to See a Doctor for Your Shoulder Injury

When to See a Doctor for Your Shoulder Injury

Whether you’re an avid athlete or do a lot of heavy lifting, shoulder pain isn’t always such an uncommon symptom for many of us. (And since each and every one of us is aging, it becomes increasingly more likely as we get older.) But when does pain merit a visit to an orthopedic physician?

Here are a few signs that it might be time to make an appointment.

Swelling and Redness

Physical symptoms that go beyond just “feeling sore” can be a sign that you should seek out medical assistance. (Depending on the severity and whether or not it was spurred by an injury, immediate attention might even be in the cards.) If your shoulder joint is visibly swollen or if it is tender or warm to the touch, you should strongly consider having it looked at – particularly if symptoms persist over long periods of time.

Home Remedies Failed

When you experience joint pain in an area of the body like the shoulder, your first instinct is likely to try out some home remedies to help the symptoms subside. But if over-the-counter pain reducers, a nice long nap or applying cold or hot compresses don’t seem to be doing the trick (or if they only offer a temporary reprieve), it’s probably a good plan to set up an appointment at OI.

Lifting Pain

Many injury-related shoulder pains can be linked to harm to your rotator cuff. That’s why one surefire way to determine whether your pain is something that needs a physician’s care is to try lifting your arm over your head. If this or other everyday activities, like getting dressed in the morning, increase your pain level, you may be experiencing a tear or strain that needs to be treated. (Just make sure that you stop at the first sign of pain – there’s no need to overdo your arm-lift test and risk making the condition worse.)

Lengthy Symptoms

Some temporary, home-treatable conditions will last a day or two and subside. However, if your shoulder pain prolongs over several days or even weeks, regardless of the pain level, it may be the result of something chronic such as osteoarthritis, tendinitis or bursitis. If you’re experiencing even moderate symptoms that last longer than a week, consider scheduling an appointment with an OI physician or physical therapist.

10 Questions with Dr. K.C. Chang

10 Questions with Dr. K.C. Chang

We’re diving into getting to know the team at Orthopedic Institute (OI), introducing you to some of our illustrious team members.

Today’s featured team member is Dr. K.C. Chang, one of our physicians. Dr. Chang graduated from Florida State University before attending medical school at University of Florida. With 25-plus years of experience treating neck and back pain in orthopedic patients, he’s an incredibly valuable part of the staff.

Let’s take a deeper dive into what Dr. Chang loves most about his work and how he approaches his work at OI.

1. How did you decide to become a physician?

I think I decided to be a physician when I was really young – around six years old. I remember being at the clinic with my dad in Malaysia. I had been riding my bike, and it started to rain. I was close to the clinic, so I went there. Suddenly this guy came in carrying someone who is bleeding everywhere from his head down – he’d been in a car accident. My dad was able to perform suturing and control the bleeding. I realized, “Wow, that was amazing. I want to be a doctor.” From then on, I never questioned what I was going to do. It is a rewarding and noble profession.

2. What led you to join OI?

I was in Orlando, Fla., practicing with 12 other orthopedic surgeons for about 10 years. I was pretty happy with what I was doing, but the group had ran into some difficulties and the group was slowly dissolving. I decided I needed someplace different to work. My brother-in-law let me know that Orthopedic Institute was looking for a muscular skeletal specialist. So I interviewed and loved it here. That was in 2001. I just love it.

3. What is your favorite part of your job?

The best part of my job is to be able to help people control their pain without surgery. I try to control pain by providing them with different ways to treat it – acupuncture, injections, epidural injections, physical therapy. I am so happy when the patient feels better, and I can end some of their pain and suffering.

4. What are the strengths of the OI physician team?

We are all well-trained. We are all experts in each of our subspecialties. We have a comprehensive offering of all types of care from very conservative to the intricate work of specialized surgeries. Our doctors care about the patient – we have compassion for our patients, and they realize that.

5. What is the best part about working with patients?

The best part of working with patients is when they come in with pain and then are so grateful after the treatment you provide and how much relief you give them. To me, that is the best. When you know you did something to help them – it is so gratifying.

6. What would you consider your career highlight?

Joining Orthopedic Institute back in 2001 was the highlight of my career. I really like it here. My son Michael was one year old at the time. He was the youngest, and, even though he was born in Orlando, all he knows is South Dakota. A few months ago he asked me, “Dad, are you going to sell the house when you retire?” I told him “Maybe, I don’t know.” So he said, “Well if you don’t sell the house, can you give it to me? Because I love Sioux Falls!” My other kids say, “I want to go somewhere warm.” But Michael – I take him to New York, and he hates it. He always wants to come back to Sioux Falls!

7. How do you spend your time when you’re not at OI?

I like tennis, so I play singles on Mondays and doubles on Tuesdays. I was actually the No. 1 player on my high school tennis team in Florida. Right now, I am not that good, but I love to exercise! I like to read books and watch movies and travel.

8. What was the last book you read?

The Book of Joy by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama. It’s an interesting book about how to find happiness and identify the meaning of joy. I enjoy reading non-fiction.

9. What is your go-to movie snack?

I like action movies. And I like the popcorn at the movies, but my wife does not. She thinks it is too salty, so when we go, she say’s “No butter, no salt.” Then we have to get a small box and not a medium one. (You have to make your wife happy.)

10. If you could have dinner with one person living or dead, who would it be?

Gandhi I think is one person I would like to meet and talk about how he got into this non-violent thing and how he helped people. And Martin Luther King and JFK – those three people who influenced the world and changed the world for the better.

8 Joint-Friendly Foods to Strengthen Your Mobility

8 Joint-Friendly Foods to Strengthen Your Mobility

On the hunt for ways to eat healthier and keep your joints operating in tip-top shape? There are plenty of delicious and versatile foods to add a joint-healthy spin to your daily diet. We’ve compiled some awesome options for you—take a look.


Berries are a great source of antioxidants with inflammation-fighting properties. You have plenty of options to choose from, and they taste great with a variety of foods or as a snack by themselves. Try them in yogurt or smoothies, or use them to add extra flavor to cereals.

Red Apples

Red apples are sweet and crunchy treats that get their reddish color from anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants found among the healthiest properties of drinks such as green tea, cocoa and red wine. They are actually known to be often twice as powerful an antioxidant as Vitamin C and can be easily spotted due to the bright red-orange or blue-violet color they give a fruit or vegetable that contains them. Add red apples and Dijon mustard to your next turkey sandwich for an easy lunch.


What food serves as an amazing source of protein, vitamin E, calcium, zinc and magnesium? The answer—nuts. Not only will they help combat your arthritis, they’re great for your heart and a must for anyone looking to lose weight. Give pistachios, almonds or walnuts a try.

Oily Fish

If you love fish, you’re in luck. Certain types of fish are filled with Omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids excel at fighting off inflammation. Salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring are excellent Omega-3-rich fish. It’s recommended to eat three to four ounces of fish a couple times a week, especially if you have rheumatoid arthritis.

Orange Vegetables

Carrots, butternut squash and sweet potatoes—they’re rich with vitamin A and beta-carotene, and they help keep inflammation at bay. Combine the three in a pan, top with olive oil (plus your spices of choice) and lightly brown them in a 400-degree oven. Now you have a tasty side dish or afternoon snack.

Leafy Greens

Leafy veggies such as kale and spinach have antioxidants that help slow the progress of arthritis and relieve arthritis-related pain. Broccoli and Brussels sprouts are also good green veggies to consider.


Onions are a good source for quercetin, which was found to decrease arthritis symptoms in mice, according to this 2006 study. While that doesn’t mean it will act as effectively as a treatment in humans, adding onions to your meals won’t hurt. They’re great with burgers, steak or served up sauteed on their own.

Food Oils

Extra virgin olive oil immediately comes to mind. Not only is it good for your heart, but it also contains substances that act similarly to non-steroid-based, anti-inflammatory medicines. While olive oil is a popular choice, you should also consider avocado, safflower oil and even walnut oil. Walnut oil actually has 10 times more omega-3 than olive oil.

10 Questions with Sean Magee

10 Questions with Sean Magee

We’re giving you a peek into what makes Orthopedic Institute (OI) tick by shedding some light on our best and brightest.

Today’s featured team member is Sean Magee, one of our physical therapists (PT). Sean graduated from the University of North Dakota. He has a rich 26 years of experience evaluating and treating the spine with mechanical diagnosis and therapy.

Let’s take a deeper dive into what motivates Sean and keeps him passionate about treating patients at OI. 

1. How did you decide to become a PT?

I read a job description about physical therapy in a career magazine, and I was hooked.

2. What led you to join the OI team?

I was recruited to come to Orthopedic Institute. They were looking for a physical therapist that was certified in mechanical diagnosis and therapy to start up its Spine Physical Therapy Program.

3. What is your favorite part of your job?

Utilizing mechanical diagnosis and therapy to evaluate and treat patients

4. What makes your spine therapy program different from other general physical therapy options?

Our Physical Therapists in the Spine Physical Therapy Program are certified in Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy of the Spine through the McKenzie Institute USA. There are only three Physical Therapists in the state of South Dakota certified in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy of the Spine, two of which are at Orthopedic Institute ( the skilled Ryan Otto, and myself).

5. What is the best part about working with patients?

Educating and empowering them to participate in their treatment plans, to achieve their goals and to prevent future exacerbations

6. If you could tell every patient one thing before they came in, what would it be?

Our highly trained staff of doctors, nurses, physical therapists and occupational therapists are here to serve you and your individual orthopedic needs with the most up-to-date orthopedic care in the region. 

7. What do you feel is your number one strength as a PT?

I think my two biggest strengths are: 1. My 28 years experience in evaluating and treating spine patients, and 2. Being certified in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy of the Spine since 1994. That certification allows me to assess patients with a standardized mechanical evaluation. Based on the results of that evaluation, I am able to infuse the patient with knowledge about their mechanical diagnosis. After that, I am able to instruct them in things such as: improving their posture, correcting their dysfunctional movement patterns, preventing future exacerbation, and developing an individualized home exercise program to decrease their pain. All of these factors work to increase their limited range of motion, to improve their strength deficits and to decrease their functional disability.

8. Why should a patient come to your spine therapy program as opposed to another program?

At the Orthopedic institute, they will be evaluated by a one of our Physical Therapists certified in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy of the Spine. Certified clinicians take a detailed history of the patient’s symptoms and how these symptoms behave with different activities and positions throughout the day and night. Using repeated end range movements or positions and observing how their range of motion has changed, my team will be able to create an individualized treatment plan for the patient. The patient will be prescribed specific exercises and given guidance for appropriate postures and behaviors to adopt or to temporarily avoid outside of the clinic (at home & work). By learning how to self-treat their current problem, patients gain hands on knowledge to minimize the risk of recurrence and to rapidly deal with symptoms if they recur. This program is amazingly individualized and complete unlike anything else in the area.

9. How do you spend your time when you’re not at OI? 

Doing outdoor activities; spending time with family; playing with my 15-month-old grandson Lewi; reading physical therapy journals; listening to Christian music; reading the bible daily; praying for family, friends, colleagues and patients; and going to church as often as I can.

10. What is your ideal way to spend your birthday?

Spending time with family.

Experiencing spine pain? Meet with Sean and the rest of our experienced team. Make an appointment today!

6 Training Tips Every Female Athlete Needs to Know

6 Training Tips Every Female Athlete Needs to Know

It’s that time of year – you probably have a New Year’s resolution with some sort of element of health and fitness. But before you hit the gym or sign up for any program, make sure you know your stuff. Female athletes have to consider different things when it comes to working out.

Female trainees should try these tips on for size.


You might assume eating after a workout is counter-productive, but it’s actually the opposite. While women might try to avoid post-workout eating, a high-protein, good-carb meal within an hour of working out is critical to maintaining a healthy metabolism.

Increase Reps

Due to the makeup of their muscle fibers and their natural resistance to fatigue, women actually respond more positively to higher-rep workouts than many men do. If you’re building your workout regimen, consider higher frequency, versus higher weight or resistance.

Vary it Up

Not only does constantly going through the motions of the same workout time and again bore your brain, it can bore your body. Too much sameness gives your body a chance to grow too accustomed to what’s coming and stall progress. Keep things interesting – add reps, work out different muscle groups, etc.

Don’t Fear Pushups

Women might tend to avoid chest exercises in workouts, but the truth is they’re pivotal to strength training. Because the female body is inherently prone to more weakness in the shoulders and chest than the male body, simple chest workouts like pushups can add a lot of valuable strength that benefits other exercises and technique.

Train More Often

Women as a general rule also are able to recover from a workout more quickly than a man might. Females might respond better to working out often or with a higher degree of frequency than males, who often require more recovery time after a high-intensity workout.

Rely on Teamwork

It’s amazing what a little camaraderie and encouragement can do for your workout. Having a coach or trainer is one thing, but having fellow trainees you can relate to is powerful both for a healthy, competitive spirit and for motivation. Consider bringing a friend along to the gym who has similar goals.

Your future workout team is waiting. The D1 facility in Sioux Falls is comprehensive, effective coaching in a variety of specialty areas with athletic and Orthopedic Institute professionals on hand. Interested in finding out more? Join D1’s coaches for a FREE class! Stop by our facility at 5901 S. Southeastern Avenue or reach us at 605.271.7130. You can also follow us on Facebook and on Twitter @D1SiouxFalls.

The Physical Effects of Training on Your Body

The Physical Effects of Training on Your Body

You can feel it every time you engage in physical activity. Something is happening, physiologically speaking, when you train or work out. But what exactly is it doing, and what are the positive effects of the visual effects of change in breath patterns, muscle fatigue or a pounding heartbeat?

Here are some of the physical effects your body undergoes when you’re training.

Joints & Bones

If bone density is a priority for you (it starts to decrease once you reach your maximum in early adulthood) training can actually have a positive effect on your joints and bones. Inactivity is the quickest route to brittle bones – weight-bearing exercise helps build up your bone mass and staves off bone disease and weakness of joints.


So you’ve heard the phrase “get your blood pumping” when it comes to exercise, but what does that even mean? Well, when you’re working out or training, your bloodflow is redirected to the most pressing areas of need, namely muscles, where the increase of oxygen and decrease of waste and acid buildup improves flow efficiency in the long-term.

Brain Function

One of the bonuses of improved bloodflow is improved brain function – exercise and fitness actually has positive physical effects on your brain power. You might notice your ability to focus and recall facts is improved immediately following a workout. It’s a direct result of improved bloodflow.


Bloodflow is pretty much a wash without the heart, another element of the body that undergoes distinct physiological effects during training. With frequent physical activity, your heart becomes better over time at pumping more blood to the most effective locations in the body. This means a more efficient distribution of blood with a lower heart rate, something virtually impossible in a body devoid of frequent exercise.

Lung Capacity

The fact of the matter is, when you’re working out, you’re pushing your lungs to their maximum breathing capacity – often requiring as much as 15 times as much oxygen than when you’re sitting still. There’s a reason this has positive long-term effects. Each time you reach your maximum oxygen intake you’re building up the level at which it normally rests. The more you exercise, the more this level increases and improves your fitness.


When your muscles are in action, they require more oxygen and blood vessels expand to allow this intake. And the more they’re used, the more nutrients are delivered, spurring growth and ability. The process of working out delivers the right hormones and other elements to your muscular system to improve your athletic prowess over time.

Gratitude at Thanksgiving

A Thanksgiving Note from Orthopedic Institute

Thanksgiving has become a tradition in which many individuals get together with their family and friends, enjoy a break from their busy schedule, and eat turkey. However, many of us have a hard time taking a moment to merely sit and be grateful. In between the appointments, activities, family gatherings, and delicious food, we may fail to reflect on the blessings in our lives.

So here at Orthopedic Institute, we want to take a moment to express our gratitude. We recognize our good fortune: we are so grateful that we live and work in a community like Sioux Falls where we enjoy a clean city with a low crime rate, a low unemployment rate, a good cost of living and wonderful neighbors. In our line of work, we see many people who have terrible injuries who seem to find ways to appreciate even the smallest things. One of the things we find our patients are most grateful for is their ability to drive. These are the types of small things that we try not to take for granted.

We have been honored to have so many of you choose Orthopedic Institute for your care. We want to wish everyone a very happy, blessed Thanksgiving and Christmas with lots of family, friends, food, gratitude.

Would you like to see an expert at Orthopedic Institute? Feel free to request an appointment or keep in touch on our website at orthopedicinstitutesf.com or give us a call at 605-331-5890. Follow us on Facebook!