Better Movement Means More Independence

Better Movement Means More Independence for Veterans

As we celebrate our independence during the summer months, Orthopedic Institute also recognizes that better movement is key to more independence.

Independence can take many forms: the ability to do simple home chores with fewer restrictions; picking up a grandchild without pain; and engaging in simple life activities.

When orthopedic issues persist, all of these independent joys of life can be compromised. This can be especially true in our Veteran population.

Veterans commonly face a whole host of conditions including pain in their knees, back, shoulders, wrists, feet, ankles, hips, or elbows. Veterans also face the challenges of limited mobility and often more serious issues like nerve damage or degenerative diseases like arthritis.

Orthopedic Institute is privileged to help all our patients move better and experience their best chance at a full life. This is especially true of our Veterans, who have often paid a high physical and emotional price for their service.

If you’re facing any of these challenges, the Orthopedic Institute is here to support you by connecting you with our team of specialists.

Together we can find the best path for all those who served – and all those we serve.

Scheduling an appointment is easy. Click, call, or text us. Or self-schedule your visit.

  • To call, click 605-331-5890 and talk with our scheduling team.
  • To text, click 605-331-5890 and text APPT to us, and our chatbot will help get you started.
  • To self-schedule online, click here.