Let’s “Jam” About Jammed Fingers

Let’s “Jam” About Jammed Fingers

A jammed finger is one of the more painful annoyances people can encounter in their everyday life. Whether the injury is sports-related or just an at-home accident, it can leave you with surprisingly intense pain that can make it difficult for you to complete your daily routine. While they do not generally require medical intervention, you may find yourself wondering why your finger hurts so much and how to make it feel better.

Read on for more information about what jammed fingers are, how they occur and what you can do to treat them. 

What is a jammed finger?

A jammed finger is a strain on the knuckle or joint of one of your fingers, often the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint. This strain often causes a significant amount of pain and swelling to the respective finger. People with jammed fingers will find their finger and knuckle area to be red and swollen. They also tend to have difficulty holding things using the offending finger.

How do jammed fingers occur?

Jammed fingers are a particularly common sports injury, often occurring when an athlete attempts to hit or catch a ball and absorbs the full force of the impact in the tip of their finger, sending the shock down through their knuckles. From pick-up basketball games to yard work and everything in between, jammed fingers can happen any time through a simple blunt force blow to the fingertip.

What can I do to treat my jammed finger?

A jammed finger can be incredibly frustrating to put up with, which is why many people turn to the internet for potential pain relief solutions. Here are a few of the best tricks in the book:

  • Ice: Applying ice to your jammed finger for 15 minutes each hour should limit your swelling and reduce the pain.
  • Elevation: Elevating your jammed finger above your heart will limit the blood flow to the finger and reduce swelling.
  • NSAIDs: The best method of pain management for jammed fingers are NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

If your pain persists following these home remedies, it may be a sign that you are dealing with more than a jam. If you are unable to straighten your finger, if the finger looks deformed or if a slight touch causes intense pain, make an appointment or stop by our walk-in-clinic for a consultation.