lets chat pickleball

Let’s Chat Pickleball – Common Orthopedic Injuries & Tips for Prevention

Pickleball, the increasingly popular sport combining elements of tennis, badminton, and ping pong, is loved for its accessibility and fast-paced nature. However, like any sport, pickleball can lead to injuries, particularly affecting the feet & ankles.

During the warmer summer months, our Foot & Ankle Team often encounters patients seeking orthopedic treatment due to pickleball-related injuries. With over 60+ years of combined experience in our team, we are here and ready to provide you with the best orthopedic care to get you back on the pickleball court!

Let’s meet our Top-Rated physicians specializing in the treatment of Foot & Ankle Conditions:

We sat down with our talented team to discuss the common summer sports-related injuries and how you can help prevent them in the future. Let’s check it out!

foot and ankle team at orthopedic institute

Common Injuries in Pickleball

  1. Ankle Sprains:

Ankle sprains are perhaps the most prevalent injury in pickleball, often occurring when players pivot suddenly or land awkwardly. These can range from mild to severe, affecting ligaments and sometimes leading to instability if not properly treated.

  1. Plantar Fasciitis:

Constant running and abrupt stops in pickleball can stress the plantar fascia, leading to inflammation and pain in the heel or arch of the foot. Plantar fasciitis can be particularly persistent if not managed early, but we have plenty of experience in treatment options to help!

  1. Tendon Injuries:

Injuries to the tendons in our feet & ankles can also be common while participating in activities like pickleball! Achilles tendon ruptures can occur when the calf muscle fires strongly, or the foot forcefully extends (opposite of pointing the toes). You also have two peroneal tendons in the foot – they run side by side behind the outer ankle bone. One attaches to the outer part of the foot, while the other runs under the foot and attaches near the arch. Your tibialis anterior tendon travels across the ankle and into your toes, while the tibialis posterior tendon attaches the muscle on the back of your calf to the bones on the inside of your foot. It also helps support your foot and will hold up your arch when you are walking! With all of the quick movements in pickleball, injuries to these tendons aren’t uncommon. But, you’re in good hands here at Orthopedic Institute.

Our Tips For Prevention

  1. Ease into the activity.

The accessibility of pickleball makes it a fun way to get more active and get back into shape. But, a quick transition from __ to playing a sport that is hard on your feet & ankles can unfortunately lead to some injuries. We recommend gradually introducing exercise and activities to ease your body and muscles into the routine!

  1. Stretch before and after play.

Often people treat pickleball as a leisure activity instead of a sport, although it does have a lot of the same motions and activates the same muscles as tennis! Staying hydrated, stretching before the game, and cooling down after can help your body recover and prepare for your next round.

  1. Wear appropriate shoes.

Wearing the appropriate footwear is essential to keeping your feet and ankles injury-free. Traditional running shoes may not be the best option for an activity like pickleball, since there are a lot of side-to-side motions. Wearing shoes that can support the “start and stop” motion of the game can help decrease your chances of getting an ankle sprain! You’ll also want to make sure you have plenty of support and that your shoes are comfortable, but not worn out.

We’re Here to Help

Injuries are an unfortunate reality of sports like pickleball, but with timely orthopedic treatment and preventive measures, players can recover swiftly and return to the game they love. Whether it’s a sprained ankle, a strained knee, or foot pain, Orthopedic Institute is here to help.

We utilize the latest technology while providing extraordinary orthopedic care to help you Get Relief. Move Better. Live Stronger.

Schedule your appointment with our Foot & Ankle Team today so we can customize your treatment plan and get you back on the pickleball court!